Generate UUID in PowerShell

Introduction Method 1: Using the New-Guid cmdlet Method 2: Using the .NET Framework Method 3: Using a custom function Conclusion


UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a widely-used identifier standard that ensures uniqueness across all devices and systems. In PowerShell, there are several ways to generate UUIDs programmatically. In this tutorial, we will explore three different methods to generate UUID in PowerShell, along with examples for each method.

Method 1: Using the New-Guid cmdlet

The New-Guid cmdlet is a built-in cmdlet in PowerShell that generates a new UUID. It is the simplest and quickest way to generate a UUID in PowerShell.

$uuid = New-Guid
Write-Host "Generated UUID: $uuid"

This code uses the New-Guid cmdlet to generate a new UUID and stores it in the $uuid variable. The UUID is then displayed using the Write-Host cmdlet.

Method 2: Using the .NET Framework

Another approach to generate UUID in PowerShell is by using the .NET Framework's Guid class. This method provides more flexibility and control over the UUID generation process.

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;

public class GuidGenerator
    public static string GenerateUUID()
        return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

$uuid = [GuidGenerator]::GenerateUUID()
Write-Host "Generated UUID: $uuid"

This code dynamically adds a custom C# class called GuidGenerator using the Add-Type cmdlet. The class contains a static method called GenerateUUID() that generates a new UUID using the Guid.NewGuid() method from the .NET Framework's Guid class. The generated UUID is then stored in the $uuid variable and displayed using the Write-Host cmdlet.

Method 3: Using a custom function

If you prefer encapsulating the UUID generation logic in a custom PowerShell function, you can use the following code:

function GenerateUUID {
    $bytes = [byte[]]::new(16)
    $guid = [system.guid]::NewGuid()
    [System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes).Replace("-", "")

$uuid = GenerateUUID
Write-Host "Generated UUID: $uuid"

This code defines a custom function called GenerateUUID that uses the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class from the .NET Framework's System.Security.Cryptography namespace to generate a secure random byte array. The byte array is then converted into a UUID format using the BitConverter class. The generated UUID is stored in the $uuid variable and displayed using the Write-Host cmdlet.


Generating UUIDs in PowerShell can be easily done using the built-in New-Guid cmdlet or by leveraging the .NET Framework's Guid class. Additionally, you can also create a custom function to generate UUIDs with more control over the process. Choose the method that best suits your requirements and enjoy the benefits of universally unique identifiers in your PowerShell scripts and applications.

  1. PowerShell Documentation: