UUID Generator - Version 7

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About UUID Version 7


UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It is a 128-bit number that is globally unique and can be used as a unique identifier for entities in computer systems.

How It Works

UUID Version 7 is a newly introduced version in the UUID specification. It aims to provide improved uniqueness and greater flexibility in generating UUIDs.

Unlike previous versions, UUID V7 combines the concept of time-based and random-based UUIDs. It uses a combination of timestamp information and random bytes to generate the UUIDs. This ensures that the UUIDs are not only unique but also unpredictable.

UUID V7 consists of several components, including a timestamp, a unique clock sequence, and a random node identifier. These components are combined in a specific format to generate the UUID.


UUID Version Generation Method Uniqueness Randomness Use Cases
UUID V4 Random High Low General-purpose unique identifier
UUID V7 Timestamp + MAC address High Depends on MAC address Distributed systems, chronological ordering

Benefits of UUID V7

UUID V7 offers several advantages over previous versions:

  • Improved Uniqueness: By combining time-based and random-based components, the likelihood of generating duplicate UUIDs is significantly reduced.
  • Stronger Security: The inclusion of random bytes in the UUIDs enhances their security, making them harder to guess or predict.
  • Flexible Generation: UUID V7 provides greater flexibility in generating UUIDs by allowing the use of both timestamp and random bytes.
  • Compatibility: UUID V7 is backward-compatible with older versions of UUID, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.

Conclusive Summary

UUID Version 7 introduces improved uniqueness and flexibility in generating universally unique identifiers. By combining time-based and random-based components, it offers stronger security and compatibility with existing systems. UUID V7 is a valuable addition to the UUID specification, enhancing the reliability and uniqueness of UUIDs.