Generate UUID in Lua

1. Using Lua UUID Library:

One of the easiest ways to generate UUIDs in Lua is by using a third-party library called "lua-uuid". This library provides functions to generate various versions of UUIDs. To use it, you first need to install the library by following the installation instructions provided by the library's documentation. Once installed, you can generate a UUID using the following code:

local UUID = require("uuid")
local uuid = UUID()

Generating UUID using Math.random() and os.time():

If you don't want to rely on third-party libraries, you can generate a simple UUID using the Lua's inbuilt math.random() and os.time() functions. This method combines the current timestamp with a random number to create a unique identifier. Here's an example code:


function generateUUID()
    local template ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function(c)
        local v = (c == 'x') and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(8, 0xb)
        return string.format('%x', v)

local uuid = generateUUID()
This code generates a Version 4 UUID, which is the most commonly used version.

3. Custom UUID Generator Function:

If you have specific requirements for the UUID generation, you can create a custom UUID generator function. Here's an example of a simple custom UUID generator:

function generateCustomUUID()
    local template = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    return string.gsub(template, '[x]', function(c)
        local v = math.random(0, 0xf)
        return string.format('%x', v)

local uuid = generateCustomUUID()
This code generates a UUID with a fixed template, where each placeholder 'x' is replaced by a random hexadecimal digit.


In this article, we explored different ways of generating UUIDs in Lua. We learned how to use the Lua UUID library, generate UUIDs using math.random() and os.time(), and create custom UUID generator functions. UUIDs are essential for many applications, especially in distributed systems where uniqueness is crucial for identifying resources.


Lua UUID library