Generate UUID in C#

Different ways of generating UUID in C#


The Guid.NewGuid() method is the most commonly used approach to generate a UUID in C#. It generates a new unique identifier every time it is called.

using System;

Guid uuid = Guid.NewGuid();


The Guid.CreateTempGuid() method is another way to generate UUIDs in C#. It is similar to Guid.NewGuid(), but it generates a UUID using a different algorithm.

using System;

Guid uuid = Guid.CreateTempGuid();


If you need a UUID without the hyphens, you can use Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"). This method generates a UUID in the standard GUID format, but without the hyphens, resulting in a 32-character string.

using System;

string uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

Guid generation with random numbers

It is also possible to generate a UUID using random numbers. This method is useful if you need finer control over the generation process, but keep in mind that it may not provide the same level of uniqueness as the built-in methods.

using System;

Random random = new Random();
byte[] bytes = new byte[16];

Guid uuid = new Guid(bytes);


Generating UUIDs in C# can be achieved using various methods. The most common approach is to use Guid.NewGuid(), which generates a new unique identifier. Another option is Guid.CreateTempGuid(), which uses a different algorithm to generate UUIDs. If you need a UUID without hyphens, you can use Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"). Finally, you can generate a UUID using random numbers by instantiating a Random object and creating a new Guid with the generated bytes.