UUID Generator API

Below is the description of the Swagger specification.

1. Generate UUIDs of Version 1

Endpoint: /api/uuid/v1

Usage: To generate UUIDs of version 1, developers can make a GET request to the /api/uuid/v1 endpoint, specifying the count parameter in the query string to determine the number of UUIDs needed.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/uuid/v1?count=5"


2. Generate UUIDs of Version 3

Endpoint: /api/uuid/v3

Usage: To generate UUIDs of version 3, developers need to make a GET request to the /api/uuid/v3 endpoint. This time, they must provide the count parameter along with namespace and name parameters in the query string for a more customized UUID generation.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/uuid/v3?count=3&namespace=6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8&name=https://example.com"


3. Generate UUIDs of Version 4

Endpoint: /api/uuid/v4

Usage: Generating UUIDs of version 4 is straightforward. Developers can make a GET request to the /api/uuid/v4 endpoint and include the count parameter in the query string to determine the quantity of UUIDs required.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/uuid/v4?count=2"

4. Generate UUIDs of Version 5

Endpoint: /api/uuid/v5

Usage: Similar to version 3, generating UUIDs of version 5 requires a GET request to the /api/uuid/v5 endpoint. Developers must provide the count, namespace, and name parameters in the query string for customized UUID generation.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/uuid/v5?count=3&namespace=6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8&name=https://example.com"


5. Generate UUIDs of Version 7

Endpoint: /api/uuid/v7

Usage: To generate UUIDs of version 7, developers can make a GET request to the /api/uuid/v7 endpoint, specifying the count parameter in the query string to determine the number of UUIDs needed.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/uuid/v7?count=5"


6. Generate Short IDs

Endpoint: /api/short_id

Usage: To generate Short IDs, developers need to make a GET request to the /api/short_id endpoint, providing parameters such as length, count, and charset in the query string.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/short_id?length=8&count=3&charset=alphanum"

7. Generate Nano IDs

Endpoint: /api/nano_id

Usage: Generating Nano IDs involves making a GET request to the /api/nano_id endpoint, specifying parameters such as length, count, and charset in the query string.

Example Request:

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/nano_id?length=10&count=2&charset=alphanum_lower"


8. Generate GUIDs

Endpoint: /api/guid

Usage: To generate GUIDs, developers can make a GET request to the /api/guid endpoint, specifying the count parameter in the query string to determine the number of GUIDs needed.

curl "https://uuidgenerator.dev/api/guid?count=3"


The UUID Generator API provides a robust set of endpoints to fulfill the diverse needs of developers requiring unique identifiers. Whether it's UUIDs of different versions, Short IDs, Nano IDs, or GUIDs, this API offers a streamlined and intuitive solution for generating universally unique identifiers in a variety of formats. Developers can seamlessly integrate these endpoints into their applications to ensure uniqueness and precision in their data.